
Spent 6 months on the space station: the crew of the Shenzhou-15 returned to Earth. Photo

Anastasia KovalevaLife
The Shenzhou-15 crew returned to Earth

On Sunday, June 4, China's Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft with a crew of three Taikonauts successfully landed after a long flight from the national Tiangong orbital station. The ship's landing module landed at Dongfeng Proving Ground in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, located in northern China, at 06:34 local time (01:34 GMT).

This was reported by Xinhua. Rescuers later extracted members of the landing crew from the descent capsule.

Three taikonauts, Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu, returned to Earth after nine hours of autonomous flight. They left for the national orbital station Tiangong last November and spent six months on the station performing their duties.

Following the departure of the Shenzhou-15 mission crew from the Tiangong orbital station, the crew of the Shenzhou-16 spacecraft, which arrived at the station on May 30, remained on duty. This crew consists of Jing Haipeng as spacecraft commander, Gui Haichao as payload specialist and Zhu Yangzhu as flight engineer. They will spend five months on the station, continuing to carry out missions and scientific research.

Construction of the Tiangong Orbital Laboratory began in April 2021 with the launch of the station's base module, Tianhe.

In 2022, two laboratory modules, Mentian and Wentian, were docked to the Tiangong orbital station to conduct scientific research and experiments in zero-gravity conditions. The completion of construction of the station and the start of full operation was announced at the end of last year. These modules have greatly expanded the station's capabilities for scientific research, as well as creating the conditions for space crews to stay on long missions.

The total weight of the Tiangong station, which is at an altitude of 400 kilometers, is about 90 tons. It is five times smaller than the International Space Station and is capable of hosting three crew members on a permanent basis (and up to six when crews change). The operating life of the Chinese space station is about 10 years.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, November 29 China successfully launched a manned spacecraft "Shenzhou-15" in orbit around the Earth.

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