
Occupants change tactics of attacks in the Kherson region: the Operational Command South explains how the enemy acts

Oleksiy LutykovLife
Occupants change tactics of attacks in the Kherson region

Successful counter-battery operations by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson region forced the Russian occupation forces to change their tactics. In particular, the invaders significantly reduced the number of attacks on the right bank of the region.

At the same time, the enemy did not stop terrorising civilians and began using more long-range weapons. This was reported on Channel 24 by Nataliya Gumenyuk, head of the Joint Coordination Press Centre of the Southern Defence and Security Forces.

According to her, Ukrainian servicemen will continue to push Russian troops away from the Dnipro coastline. The work to destroy the enemy continues, but we can already talk about certain results. In particular, the number of attacks on the right bank of the Kherson region has significantly decreased.

"We continue to drive the enemy out of the 20-30-kilometre strip, so we can already see a decrease in shelling of the right bank. While the previous day there were 50-70 and up to 100 attacks, yesterday there were 20 attacks," said Gumenyuk.

At the same time, the Russians have not abandoned their terror tactics and are looking for new ways to target populated areas. Russian troops have begun to fire more frequently from multiple launch rocket systems, and they also use aircraft to strike with guided aerial bombs.

"But the enemy is using a different tactic, trying to use long-range weapons because they can no longer reach us with tanks. They can't do that anymore. Now it is MLRS and they have started to activate aircraft with guided aerial bombs. This is how they destroyed the school in Kozatske. Compliance with international humanitarian law is not their forte, and they continue to collect talmuds for an international tribunal," said the spokesperson for the OС South.


As a reminder, on March 25, Russian war criminals fired 49 times at the Kherson region. The occupiers fired 210 shells from heavy artillery and Grad systems.

Earlier it was reported that the Russian military shelled a humanitarian aid distribution point in Kherson. As a result of the barbaric actions of the occupiers, two people were injured - a 41-year-old woman and a 25-year-old man.

As OBOZREVATEL previously reported, Roman Svitan, a retired colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a military expert, predicts that Russian occupation forces are preparing to flee the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region. One of the signals of this is the rotation in Nova Kakhovka.

Only verified information in our Telegram channel Obozrevatel and in Viber. Do not be fooled by fakes!

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