
Mercury retrograde and total solar eclipse ahead: horoscope for all zodiac signs for April 2024

Anna OnishchenkoLife
What will Mercury retrograde and solar eclipse bring

April 2024 promises to be a dynamic and eventful month as we are facing two important astronomical phenomena: Mercury retrograde and total solar eclipse. They can make certain adjustments to our lives, both positive and negative.

Take advantage of this period to find your way in life and understand your true purpose. Astrologers have prepared a horoscope for all zodiac signs to make it easier for you to understand which direction to take.


Due to the movement of celestial bodies, Aries may not sleep well. You should get enough rest so that it doesn't spoil your mood. Trust your intuition to achieve financial success and don't take everything you hear to heart.


Friends can make Taurus happy with unexpected surprises. Don't be afraid to change your plans. Surprises will allow you to experience unforgettable emotions and have a good time.

Don't worry. If you have a serious conversation, you'll find something to say.


Find the opportunity and time to meet with friends. If you have something to say, don't be silent. Be sincere and frank. Results will be waiting for you at the end of April.


In early April, are will meet with your family and people close to you.

Those around you will find them especially attractive and promising. Take advantage of the moments of elation to take steps forward and travel.


Leos have a lot of ideas in their heads. It's time to put them into action. Thanks to the movement of the celestial bodies, people will start to listen to what you have to say and take your opinion into account. You can use this to advance your career as work will be important to Leos.

Mercury retrograde and total solar eclipse ahead: horoscope for all zodiac signs for April 2024


Virgos will come up with incredible ideas on how to increase their wealth and invest successfully. Not only your logical thinking but also your creativity will be at its best. Enjoy it because you will be full of energy and feel elated.


Libras shouldn't get too carried away with their dreams. Think carefully and try to assess your capabilities adequately.

If you've been wanting to start an important conversation for a long time, it's time to gather your strength and do so.


Finally, Scorpios will be able to decide what they want to achieve in this life and figure out how to make work enjoyable. Don't let people upset you. Although you will be able to attract attention easily, it will not be the attention you want.


Sagittarius will have to reflect deeply and think hard about how to improve their work and personal life. You value freedom the most, so you'll be willing to make the effort to feel free.


Capricorns will be especially creative and imaginative. Of course, sometimes you will notice that you are stuck and don't know what to do. However, this is temporary. Soon you will realize where you need to go and show all your best sides.


Aquarians will gain the ability to convince people of their opinions. Finally, everyone will see things from your point of view. Don't neglect your rest because sleep and a clear head will help you think of a way to increase your money.

If you're feeling restless, do some exercise.


You will find the right words to express your thoughts and feelings. Pisces will become more open and notice that communicating with people has become much easier.

Don't plunge into work and social life but rather find time for rest and solitude.

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