
Make sure you wash your face first thing in the morning: what experts advise

Alina MilsentLife
Make sure you wash your face first thing in the morning: what experts advise

 Discussions about the need for morning facial care have not died down online Make sure you wash your face first thing in the morning: what experts advise. We're talking about applying cleansing gels, masks, toners, and using abrasive scrubs.

People with dry skin type point out that sometimes it is enough to just wash your face with clean water in the morning and leave the care procedures for the evening. Deseret News experts have analyzed whether it is necessary to wash your face in the morning.

Morning face wash

Anita Sturnham, a dermatologist and founder of Decree skincare brand, told Vogue that morning cleansing is an important step in skincare, but in some cases, it's really important to avoid over-cleansing.

"Morning routines should be light, balanced, and moisturizing. A good cleanser at this time of day is an important 'preparatory' step to get your skin in the right condition," Sturnham emphasized.

Morning cleansing is necessary to remove nighttime oil that clogs pores. Daytime serum and protective cream will penetrate deeper and work more effectively when applied to well-cleansed skin.

However, it is important to strike a balance. The skin has a natural barrier, and excessive use of strong products (such as abrasive scrubs) can damage the epidermis, leading to redness, dryness, and sensitivity.

Evening cleansing

All experts unanimously agree that washing your face before bed is a must.

Dermatologist Joshua Zeichner emphasized: "It's better to skip the morning than the evening wash. Before going to bed, it is important to remove dirt, sebum, and makeup residue that has accumulated during the day."

Dr. Sharyn Idriss, founder of Idriss Dermatology, added that irregular washing leads to clogged pores, causing inflammation, acne, and breakouts.

In the morning, it's best to use a light cleansing gel and then apply SPF.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL talked about the five main rules of skin care that everyone should follow.

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