
Kremlin prepares provocation at Kursk NPP: evacuation plan already being agreed upon - CNR

Lilia RagutskaLife
The Kremlin may be preparing a provocation at the Kursk nuclear power plant

The Russians may be planning a provocation at the Kursk NPP. They are currently making preparations to evacuate the population from the zone of probable radioactive contamination in case of "use of conventional means of destruction by a probable enemy": local authorities have obliged to create a transportation register.

At the same time, up to 57 thousand people are planned to be evacuated in case of provocation, while in Kursk alone there are at least 435 thousand residents. The corresponding documents were at the disposal of the Center for National Resistance.

The CNR claims that Russia is planning a provocation at the Kursk nuclear power plant. This may be evidenced by the preparation of the region for the evacuation of the local population.

"According to the underground, the Kursk region continues to prepare for evacuation from the zone of probable radioactive contamination, in case of an accident at the nuclear power plant. For this purpose, local authorities have been tasked with creating a transportation registry. The relevant documents have fallen into the hands of the Center for National Resistance," the report says.

At the same time, if the provocation is carried out, most of the inhabitants of the region Russia will throw to the mercy of fate: to rescue the occupants are going to save only a few percent of the population of the Kursk region.

"In total, they plan to evacuate from 21 to 57 thousand people, while the population of the region is more than 1 million people, and Kursk itself 435 thousand. That is, we are talking about 5% of the population of the regions, which indicates the selectivity of those who got on the list," - said the Center for National Resistance.

"Lucky" people who will be on the evacuation lists in case the Russians carry out a provocation at the Kursk NPP will be taken to the north of the region, in particular, to the settlements of Zheleznogorsky, Bolshoye Soldatskoye, Shchegry, Gorshechnoye.

Kremlin prepares provocation at Kursk NPP: evacuation plan already being agreed upon - CNR
Kremlin prepares provocation at Kursk NPP: evacuation plan already being agreed upon - CNR

"Note that the Ukrainian Defense Forces are operating exclusively on the territory of Ukraine and are not planning any attacks on nuclear power plants. This provocation is necessary for the Russians themselves to distract the world from the seizure of ZNPP," the CNS summarized.

The distance from the Kursk nuclear power plant to the border town of Glukhov in Sumy Region is more than 100 km.

Kremlin prepares provocation at Kursk NPP: evacuation plan already being agreed upon - CNR

Recall, August 10, Belarus said about the fire at Mozyr oil refinery. At the refinery, 15 km from Mazyr, Homel voblast, rescuers eliminated flaring burning from the gate valve of the gasoline production unit within an hour.

Earlier, the Security Service of Ukraine warned that, according to intelligence, the mercenaries of PMC "Wagner," massively moved to Belarus from the Russian Federation, could provoke the involvement of soldiers of Belarus in the war against Ukraine. It is for this purpose they can conduct sabotage at such a strategic facility, as Mozyr oil refinery.

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