
How to keep your feet warm in winter: five rules to avoid getting sick

Julia PeschanskayaLife
How to keep your feet warm in winter

In winter, you need to pay more attention to your health and choose the right clothes to avoid getting sick. Feet are especially sensitive to low temperatures and adverse weather conditions, and insufficient insulation leads not only to discomfort but also to more serious consequences.

OBOZ.UA has collected five rules that will help you not get sick in the cold season. Take care of your health and insulate your feet for a comfortable stay outside.


Most people believe that thick and layered socks are the best solution to fight the cold, but in fact, this is not the case. The coarse material creates pressure on the feet and cuts off blood circulation to the fingers. Thus, choose socks made of thin, breathable fabric to keep your feet dry.


Boots are the outer layer that protects against moisture and dirt and keeps you warm inside. Choose shoes made of high-quality waterproof materials and allow your feet to breathe. Skip the trendy shoes or sneakers and wear warm winter boots with thick soles.

Warm insole

Fur insoles in shoes will provide warmth and comfort for your feet. They create an extra layer between the boots and your feet. This will also help to prevent odor.


If you feel that your feet are starting to get cold, don't just stand there, go for a walk or do some exercise. Physical activity increases blood flow to the extremities and raises body temperature.

Take care of your shoes

When you get home, be sure to dry your boots by stuffing a crumpled newspaper into them. Leave the shoes like this until the next time you use them. Your feet start to freeze faster if the boots are wet.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA published tips to help protect your shoes from getting wet.

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