
A Ukrainian student discovered a new nebula and named it in honor of fallen soldiers. Photo

Yulia PoteriankoLife
The Fallen Soldier Nebula is located in the constellation Cepheus

The war with the Russian occupants is not over yet, but the Ukrainian people are already honoring their fallen defenders. Vlad Sazhen, a student of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute, made a cosmic contribution to the preservation of the memory of the defenders.

The young scientist discovered a new nebula in the constellation Cepheus and gave it the name "Fallen Soldier". Sazhen reported about it on the AstroBin astrophotography exchange platform.

A Ukrainian student discovered a new nebula and named it in honor of fallen soldiers. Photo

"The opening of the Fallen Soldier Nebula is dedicated to all the soldiers who died defending Ukraine, my homeland, from the Russian army. Please continue to support Ukraine," wrote a Ukrainian student who is now studying in the United States.

For those who would like to find this object in the sky, its coordinates are as follows: RA 23 15 38, DEC +69 50 58. The object is illuminated by the double star B8, also called BD+69 1319. The dark part of the nebula has two documented names, DOBASHI 3564 and TGU H757.

In 2011, dark nebulae in this part of the universe were described by astronomer Katsuhito Dobashi. His tables are mentioned in several French scientific papers. However, they do not address the illuminated part of the dark nebula.

If we consider the object discovered by Sazhen, it is best seen in the blue channel of the telescope. The red signal contains much less data.

A Ukrainian student discovered a new nebula and named it in honor of fallen soldiers. Photo

The star near which the Fallen Soldier Nebula is located also illuminates a small fragment of dark nebula. However, the said object is not exactly classified, it could also be a halo that the star has created.

The young Ukrainian scientist also reported that the area where he made the discovery is filled with other reflection nebulae. In particular, the Wolf Cave nebula complex is nearby. In general, the Cepheus constellation is filled with objects of this type and the discovery of many of them is ahead. "If a nebula is undocumented, do your research, draw conclusions and document it! There is much more to be found," Sazhen wrote.

Earlier OBOZREVATEL told that scientists for the first time saw newly formed planets floating in the water around a young star.

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