
What will happen to the body if you eat raw onions every day: an expert's answer

Iryna MelnichenkoFood
The benefits of onions

Onions are a healthy vegetable that is always added to soups, meat dishes, salads, and fillings for pies and dumplings. Despite all its positive properties, it also has contraindications. Experts do not recommend eating it for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Onion dishes

Specialist Lucia Garcia explained what will happen to the body if you eat raw onions every day, Quora reports.

What to cook with onions

The benefits of onions

White Onion

"Onion is the only vegetable that contains prostaglandin A, an unsaturated fatty acid with various physiological effects. It can dilate blood vessels, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity, regulate blood lipids, and lower blood pressure," says the expert.

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Can you eat onions every day

The benefits of onions

"Onions in its raw form will provide the maximum health benefits, so you should eat onions in this form as often as possible," the doctor advises.

Onions lose their beneficial properties when cooked

How to cook onions correctly

"Cooking onions destroys two useful components – allicin and vitamin C. When onions are cooked for a long time, namely when heated for 15-20 minutes, 40 to 50% is lost," the expert explains.

Regular consumption of onions has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and brain vessels
Useful properties of onions

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