
"They lie that Russia liberated Mariupol from Ukraine": Bednyakov addressed Ukrainians abroad due to Kremlin propaganda

Andrii Bednyakov addressed Ukrainians abroad due to Kremlin propaganda

Famous Ukrainian TV presenter Andrii Bednyakov analyzed two recent incidents that occurred in Italy. There, members of the Ukrainian diaspora successfully prevented a Kremlin propagandist play falsely portraying the "liberation" of Mariupol, as well as a concert by a Russian pianist known for supporting Putin, who had previously performed near the remains of the drama theater walls brutally destroyed by the occupiers in Bednyakov's hometown.

Bednyakov expressed his gratitude to Ukrainians abroad who pursued justice, even though it was challenging. He shared a video message on his personal Instagram page.

"I would like to express my utmost respect and gratitude to the Ukrainian diaspora living in Italy, particularly in the city of Modena. For those unaware, a Russian propaganda event was scheduled to take place in this town recently—a performance depicting how Russians are "rebuilding" Ukrainian Mariupol, how "happy" the people are that Russia has finally come there and "liberated" them from Ukraine. In other words, the usual Russian propaganda nonsense! However, when our Ukrainians living there learned about it, they started doing everything possible, and sometimes impossible, to cancel the event. They protested, knocked on doors, and sought the attention of authorities. And they succeeded!" the showman exclaimed.

Bednyakov also expressed his appreciation to Ukrainians in Rome who successfully canceled the concert by the Russian pianist.

"This is the same person who came and started playing on a piano near the destroyed drama theater in Mariupol with his bloody fingers, where Russia dropped two bombs, killing hundreds of civilians who sought refuge from shelling inside," the host stated.

According to Bednyakov, this is a prime example of how Russian propaganda operates, with the allocation of hundreds of millions of dollars: Putinists travel across Europe and the world, showcasing their version of "history" and "truth." People who may not be closely following news from Ukraine risk encountering a distorted reality presented by Russians through their cultural products.

"I have a significant request for all Ukrainians living in other countries. If you come across such misleading content, if you see such posters on the Internet or elsewhere, go out and protest, cancel such events, take an example from those in Italy. Russians have no right to go around spreading lies and convincing the world that "everything is fine and they are so cool." I sincerely appreciate all those who took these actions in Italy," Bednyakov concluded.

As reported earlier by OBOZ.UA, Andrii Bednyakov delivered an emotional speech recalling memories of his hometown, Mariupol, and his late mother, who strongly opposed the occupation by Russian invaders. The artist closed his eyes, recollecting his love for returning home by train, passing by the Azovstal plant. When he opened his eyes, tears streamed down his face.

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