
Scotch tape between the eyebrows and hanging upside down: 5 beauty secrets of old Hollywood stars that seem bizarre today

Darya SkubEntertainment
Movie actresses of the last century invented strange methods to preserve their youth.

Today, marketing in the beauty industry manipulates women in every possible way. For example, shampoos are designed to cleanse hair, not to nourish it. However, manufacturers continue promising silky and thick hair even if a person cannot have it genetically. Another example is face creams. If these are anti-age products, they almost always say that they "remove deep wrinkles". But the truth is that it can only be done with beauty injections.

Today, there are products on store shelves that do not harm even though they don't work miracles as promised. They give the desired results only partially. Imagine what it was like for the stars of the last century. They invented methods that allegedly helped preserve youth and beauty at home. Find out what the actresses of old Hollywood did in the OBOZREVATEL article.

1. Ginger Rogers (1911-1995)

American actress, dancer and singer Ginger Rogers hated beauty salons. To have well-groomed and radiant skin, she did not use cosmetics outside of sets at all. Before going to bed, she would apply a thick night cream to her face and wash her face with soap and useful oils in the morning. But Ginger's strangest habit is sleeping in the open air. She and her husband almost always slept outside. They would sleep at home only when it rained, which is rare in California.

2. Jean Harlow (1911-1937)

The American film actress Jean Harlow was aware of certain beauty issues. For example, she knew that cream should not be rubbed into the skin of the face, but applied with the fingertips, patting lightly. She brushed her teeth in a circular motion with a toothbrush. The celebrity naturally had thick hair. To take care of it, she rubbed her scalp with hot olive oil once a month.

3. Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992)

The German-American actress, singer, pop artist and musician Marlene Dietrich performed a procedure that has become popular in the last few years again, which is lifting with a wide tape. Nowadays, girls are lifting their faces in this way. Marlene used to lift her décolleté. The star did not like to wear bras. Thus, to keep her breasts in shape behind a dress or suit, she fixed them with adhesive tape.

4. Selena Royle (1904-1983)

Selena Royle was an American theater, radio, television and film actress and later a writer. When she was at home, she used to put a diamond-shaped piece of tape between her eyebrows. Why: She believed that it helped to wrinkle less and thus prevent wrinkles completely. In general, she often restrained her emotions so that wrinkles did not form on her face.

5. Fannie Ward (1872-1952)

American actress Fanny Ward once impressed directors with her "forever young" appearance. At the age of 55, she played a 7-year-old girl on the screen because her skin remained smooth and supple. When asked what the secret was, she said that she hung upside down every day. She believed that this simple exercise helped the blood flow better to the facial tissues and restore them.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL wrote about the beauty secrets of Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and other legendary Hollywood beauties.

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