
BBC presenter's jeans censored on DPRK TV: what's wrong with them. Photos and videos

BBC presenter's jeans censored on DPRK TV. Source: BBC/KCTV

The DPRK television showed the British program "Garden Secrets" with Alan Titchmarsh from the BBC. Everything would have been fine, but the presenter's jeans were censored by the North Korean authorities, so they had to be blurred. The fact is that this wardrobe item is considered a "symbol of US imperialism" in a country with one of the most authoritarian regimes in the world, so any demonstration of it is prohibited there.

The episode was aired on DPRK television on Monday, and a video fragment of it with the pants in the air was distributed online. This was reported by NK News.

According to the source, by wearing jeans to tinker in British gardens in his BBC series Garden Secrets, 74-year-old Titchmarsh violated the North Korean ban on this clothing, which the regime banned in the early 1990s as a "symbol of American imperialism."

In the episode, Titchmarsh stands knee-deep in the ground, the sleeves of his plaid shirt rolled up, pots of plants and pruning shears at the ready. The host's jeans are blurred. The funniest thing is that the manipulations with the editing hardly helped to hide from the viewers that the presenter was wearing the "forbidden" denim pants.

The censorship of Titchmarsh's wardrobe is reportedly part of a campaign to protect North Koreans from the "harmful" influence of Western culture that began under former leader Kim Jong Il.

Although his son, the odious dictator Kim Jong-un, has allowed his entourage to use Ford Transit vans and is a fan of NBA basketball (North America's professional basketball league), he warns against "bourgeois culture" and "anti-socialist behavior" undermining North Korea's socialist project.

In 2022, US government-funded Radio Free Asia reported that the regime cracked down on "capitalist" fashion and hairstyles, targeting skinny jeans and T-shirts with foreign words, as well as dyed or long hair.

It is unclear how the regime obtained the rights to Garden Secrets, if at all. North Korea regularly broadcasts "politically neutral" material from abroad, including sports and science and technology programs. The gardening project was likely pirated to circumvent international sanctions imposed in response to North Korea's development of nuclear weapons.

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