
"There are no psychics": the former director of mystical shows on STB revealed the scheme and explained how participants are forced to say what is necessary

Dmytry Tomashevsky tells how mystical shows are filmed

Famous Ukrainian illusionist Dmytry Tomashevsky, who worked as a director on the shows Battle of the Psychics and Investigation by Psychics, said that people who really have supernatural abilities "do not exist ." Having conducted many auditions and worked on mystery shows, he has never seen the participants learn anything without the help of editors.

According to the illusionist, the team members of these projects are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement, but his contract has already expired. Tomashevsky shared what happens behind the scenes of the show with Slava Demin on YouTube.

He said that while working for STB, he learned what it was like to have no days off for 64 days. On the show, the director also had to be an editor, editor and journalist.

"We were even given a non-disclosure agreement. It has already passed, I don't have to be afraid of anything anymore. I'm karmically ashamed that I did it and didn't realize how it worked. Do you know the difference between a psychic and an illusionist? An illusionist tells you right away that there will be an illusion or a trick. A psychic doesn't say that... For them, it was real. Some believed, and some realized what was happening. Those who understood, were more closely monitored. Those who didn't understand were told: "That's it. You say this thought and don't say anything else. Then you will pass," Tomashevsky said.

''There are no psychics'': the former director of mystical shows on STB revealed the scheme and explained how participants are forced to say what is necessary

He hinted that for the most part, only the crew knew about the backstage of the filming, and the participants: psychics, stars, and victims, worked in the illusion of reality.

"For example, there is a village, and something terrible happened there. A journalist comes there, asks questions, and a person answers sincerely with tears and hope for help. All this information is transferred to a script and broken down so that each of the psychics says something a little bit. And how exactly to get the psychic to say it is the editor's technique. There has never been a real psychic manifestation. Not a single one. There are no psychics , they don't exist," the illusionist said.

He shared that he believes in karma, and it was this belief that made Tomashevsky leave the project. He felt that he was deceiving people.

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