
"The benefits from me are small": Leps performed in Luhansk and justified why he doesn't go to war, although he served in the Soviet army

Leps performed in Luhansk and gave a brief interview

Russia's top propagandist Grigory Leps, who disseminates Kremlin narratives through his art, arrived in occupied Luhansk the day before to perform his "hits" about vodka and the poignant song "I Raise My Hands, I Want to Surrender You." However, fearing to meet the fate of his liquidated colleague Polina Menshikh, the performer decided to stay away from the front line.

In an interview, the weary artist cheerfully assured that he would continue to entertain the inhabitants of the occupied city with his songs, as he deemed himself of little use at the front. Videos of the concert, held at the Lenin Palace of Culture, surfaced in Russian media.

"It's not the first time I've come here, and it won't be the last. People live here who deserve three times more to have someone come and sing to them. It is a must to come here! All that artists can do for people is to make them happy, to make them laugh, to sing, to dance," said Leps.

He also explained why he did not join the ranks of the occupiers. According to the star, although he served in the Soviet army, he was not suited for the battlefield, deeming himself "of little use."

''The benefits from me are small'': Leps performed in Luhansk and justified why he doesn't go to war, although he served in the Soviet army

The Russian singer hasn't had any new hits for a long time, so he performed his hackneyed tracks "I Raise My Hands," "The Best Day," "A Glass of Vodka," "What Have You Done," and more.

''The benefits from me are small'': Leps performed in Luhansk and justified why he doesn't go to war, although he served in the Soviet army

The performer emphasized that all those who dare to come to the occupied regions have outlined their pro-war position once and for all. "It's already clear what they are," Leps summarized.

By the way, recently Leps and Putinist singer Nikolay Baskov said they were ready to pay the Russian military a million rubles for a damaged Leopard tank on the territory of Ukraine.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, Grigory Leps visited a hospital in the temporarily occupied Donetsk and said that his music helps better than medicine. The singer was accompanied by the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Russian Federation Maria Lvova-Belova, whose arrest warrant was issued by the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

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