
"It was a mistake". Musician Pavlo Gudimov explains what a difficult period awaits Ukrainians after the end of the war

Pavlo Gudimov

Famous Ukrainian musician and co-founder of the band Okean Elzy Pavlo Gudimov is convinced that Ukraine urgently needs to build a new cultural policy, paying attention to the dominance of our culture. He spoke about this in an interview with OBOZ.UA.

Pavlo Gudimov reminded that Russians continue to aggressively impose their culture on the world. Ukrainians should take this into account, because "victory is not only an advantage in war, but also in the information and cultural field."

"We have an extremely difficult period ahead of us," says Pavlo Gudimov. "I do not believe that when the war is over, it will be enough to hear: "It was a mistake." And everyone will go home. This will not happen. In addition to some repentance, there will be compensation for the huge losses with gas rubles. And then we will have to somehow build interaction, because we will not be able to live separately behind the wall."

''It was a mistake''. Musician Pavlo Gudimov explains what a difficult period awaits Ukrainians after the end of the war

"Of course, our neighborly relations will never be the same as before, and that's a good thing, because we have already seen what the dominance of Russian culture on foreign territory can lead to. We need to build a new cultural policy, namely, to pay attention to the dominance of our culture. The Russians are pushing theirs everywhere. Look at how they have now sneaked the propaganda film Russians at War into the Canadian Film Festival. It is clear that such methods weaken the full scale of the tragedy we are experiencing. What are our next steps? This is the task for the near future. Victory is not only an advantage in the war, but also in the information and cultural field.

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