
BBC TV presenter shows middle finger on air. Video

BBC TV presenter scandalized by rude gesture on air

British BBC TV presenter Maryam Moshiri got caught up in a scandal that erupted around her joking gesture on air. While preparing for a newscast, the presenter decided to give her middle finger to her friends behind the camera, but all the viewers witnessed it.

Some of them were outraged by the behavior of the face of a reputable TV channel, so Maryam Moshiri apologized to them on X, formerly called Twitter, and explained why she did it.

According to the TV presenter, she was counting down to the start of the broadcast, and at the end decided to joke with her colleagues by giving them the middle finger. The crew seemed to react to this with humor, but viewers may not have understood the local joke.

"I was pretending to count down when the director was counting from 10 to 0 with his fingers to show the number. That is, from 10 fingers to one. When we got to 1, I turned my finger as a joke, not realizing that it would be filmed. It was a personal joke with the team, and I'm really sorry it was aired! I didn't mean for it to happen, and I'm sorry if I offended or upset anyone," the Briton wrote.

We would like to add that the incident occurred on Wednesday at 12 p.m. UK time on the BBC News channel. The channel in the UK was broadcasting Prime Minister's Questions.

BBC TV presenter shows middle finger on air. Video

The viewers reacted to the situation in different ways: some accused the presenter of unprofessionalism and disrespectful attitude to work, while others joked that they would like to show the same to their colleagues.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA wrote that celebrities also have bad days, often getting into embarrassments on the red carpet. They have a lot of reasons for a spectacular fall - read about these cases in our article.

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