
Age - just a number? How does the most beautiful grandmother of Ukraine look and what is the secret of her "eternal youth"? Photo

Age - just a number? How does the most beautiful grandmother of Ukraine look and what is the secret of her "eternal youth"? Photo

On June 13, 2022, Svetlana Gass from Odessa will be 63 years old, but this spectacular woman cannot be called a grandmother. The figure of beauty will be the envy of 20-year-old girls, and her face shows no obvious signs of aging, so they can hardly give her more than 45. The Ukrainian won the title of "super grandmother" at the contest Mrs. Grandma Globe in Bulgaria, and later won an international beauty contest in the United States.

OBOZREVATEL shares how Gass manages to maintain a perfect appearance and trim figure in her advanced age. In addition to taking care of herself, she leads an active lifestyle and travels a lot (to see the photo, scroll to the end of the page).

Since Svetlana owns a beauty salon in Odessa, she devotes a lot of time to facial care. Besides, as Gass said in one of her interviews, she considers one of her main advantages to be good genes. But despite this, from a young age the woman began to treat her health responsibly - to visit a beautician and a gym, to eat right.


According to the Odessa woman, she does not use any "grandmotherly" beauty recipes. Her best friends are an arsenal of creams for the face, cleavage, and body, as well as massages. The star of our material has not resorted to plastic surgery. She notes that no magic pills and shots will not help if a person does not lead a healthy lifestyle.


Since she was a child, Gass has been involved in dance, gymnastics, and swimming. Even now she goes to the gym three times a week, twice to yoga, swims the sea in the summer, and takes bike rides. She tries not to eat carbs after 2 p.m., and to eat fresh vegetables and herbs for dinner.


Also, Svetlana assures, for beauty and youthfulness it is necessary to drink a lot of water. She has a few more secrets that allow her to be fresh and energetic even after a night without sleep - these are dark, bitter chocolate and dates. She prefers to eat these products for breakfast with a cup of strong coffee.


OBOZREVATEL recently showed what the model with the world's darkest skin looks like. Niakim Gatvech, 30, was born in South Sudan and endured bullying from her classmates throughout her childhood. She once wanted to commit suicide. Find out in our story what stopped the beauty and how she changed from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan.

Only verified information on our Telegram channels Obozrevatel and Viber. Do not be fooled by fakes!

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