

Oleg Tyahnybok

Oleg Tyahnybok

1 articles
Short biography

Tyahnybok Oleg Yaroslavovich Tyahnybok

Tyahnybok was born on October 7, 1968 in Lviv.

Ukrainian right-wing politician, head of the All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda". She has two higher education degrees: medical and law. Since 1991 - a member of the Social-Nationalist Party of Ukraine. Since 1994 - Deputy of Lviv Regional Council. During 1997-1998 he was the head of the Lviv regional organization of the SNPU. Then (from 1998 to 2004) - Head of the Kyiv Municipal Organization of the SNPU.

In 1998 he ran for the People's Deputy of Ukraine from the election bloc "Menshe Sliv", No. 7 in the list. Since 2004 he has been a member of the All-Ukrainian Union "Freedom" (formerly SNPU). He became a people's deputy of Ukraine twice - in the Verkhovna Rada of the second and third constituencies and in the Verkhovna Rada of the fourth constituency (where he was nominated by Viktor Yushchenko's bloc "Our Ukraine"). In January 2004, Oleh Tyahnybok was expelled from the Our Ukraine faction for his statements on Yavorin Mountain, which were considered anti-Semitic and xenophobic. However, Tyahnybok was subsequently defeated in all court trials related to this case.

Since 2006, Tyahnybok has been a member of the Lviv regional council (faction of the Freedom Party). He took part in the presidential election of 2010, placing eighth with 352,282 votes (1.43%). In the same year, he completed the list of candidates to the Lviv Regional Council from the Svoboda Party.

Friendly, has two daughters and a son.

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