

Natalia Mogilevskaya

Natalia Mogilevskaya

18 articles
Short biography

Place of birth, education. Born in Kiev. Her real surname is Mogila. Graduate of Kiev Variety Circus School and Kiev National University of Culture (graduated in 1999).

Regalia. People's Artist of Ukraine. Laureate and winner of many national and international contests and hit parades.

Career. 1990-1995. - Soloist of the Ukrainian Folklore Theater "Rodina", Kiev House of Actors, Kiev Variety Theater, Moscow Jewish Theater "Stern", orchestra of the Kiev State Circus under the direction of M. Reznitsky. She sang along to the popular Russian singer Sergey Penkin.

In 1995, N. Mogilevskaya began a solo career as a pop singer. In this she was helped by songwriter Yuri Rybchinsky. The first hits appeared - "Girl with hair the color of lilies", "Snowdrop", "Jerusalem". The singer became a diploma winner of the festival "Chervona Ruta" and received the first prize at the festival "Slavonic Bazaar".

In 1996 she diluted her lyrical and dramatic repertoire with pop songs by her new producer Alexander Yagolnik.

1997 - the release of the debut album "La-la-la-la", which sold over 1 million copies. Only for the first two weeks, as "Kievskie vedomosti" wrote, according to the official statement of the record company, 250 thousand CDs were sold.

1998-2000. - A landmark period in the singer's career, during which a series of the most notable projects followed and, as a result, she was repeatedly awarded the title of Ukrainian singer of the year.

In the fall of 1998 Mogilevskaya broke off cooperation with A.Yaholnik and only in February of the next year found a place under the roof of "Tavrian Games", having signed a contract on cooperation and in parallel remaining her own producer.

It was at that time that a solo program and album "Only I" were created, a concert tour with the program "Our Ukraine", a solo tour and a concert "I am Spring" in the National Palace of Arts "Ukraine" took place.

2000-2002. - The period of change of creative policy, search of new ideas and image positions. Passion for guitar music, release of a rather complex and philosophical album "Not Such", which, according to N. Mogilevskaya herself, was not appreciated at face value or was too unexpected for the public at that time.

2003 - the release of a book by Lada Luzina, a friend of the singer, called "The Adventures of Natalia Mogileva and the witch Ivanna Karamazova" with Mogilevskaya and Luzina herself in the "main roles". In the same year, Mogilevskaya became a producer and host of the program "Chance" on the TV channel "Inter".

In 2004, Natalia becomes a producer of the finalist of "Chance" Olga Kochetkova and shoots the music video "Everything will still be". And in duet with the winner of the project Vitaliy Kozlovskiy records the song "Vidpravila message".

Then the album of the best songs "The most...the most" is released. Within the framework of this project the music videos "Lemon Lantern", "Winter (Teddy Bear)" (duet with Dmitry Gordon), "Cry" are filmed.

In August 2004, the singer marries Kiev businessman Dmitry Chaly. As a wedding present, Mogilevskaya records the song "Love me like this..." and shoots a music video for it.

During the presidential campaign-2004 she performs tours in support of the pro-government candidate, Prime Minister of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, after which, according to observers, she loses part of her audience.

In May 2005 in the final of the fourth season of the program "Chance" in a duet with Kuzma Skryabin sings his joke song "You don't give me". The continuation of the successful experiment was a tour in Western Ukraine and shooting of a video clip. Presentation of the clips "You know" and "There is no truth in words". In December of the same year N.Mogilevskaya and Philip Kirkorov recorded a joint song "I'll tell you Wow!...".

In her personal life, the main event of 2005 for the singer was probably her divorce from her husband D.Chaly.

2006 - release of the Ukrainian-language album "Vidpravyla message", the second place in the hit TV project "Dancing with the Stars" on the channel "1+1" (the first place according to the results of the audience vote went to comedian Vladimir Zelensky), the first place in the project "Zirkoviy duet" (together with the producer of "Chance" Igor Kondratyuk).

2007 - shooting of the video for the song "This Dance", presentation of the album of the same name and a tour around the country together with Vladislav Yama, the partner on "Dancing...". Solo concert in Kiev as part of the "This Dance" tour. Participation and second place in the project "Dancing with the Stars - 3" (the first place went to Polish actor Martin Mroczek).

In June 2007, the singer announced her departure from the program "Chance". However, after the project was transferred to the TV channel "1+1" N. Mogilevskaya returned to the project, with which she successfully cooperated in 2008.

In the summer of 2008 she became a producer of the TV project "Factory of Stars - 2" on Novy Channel.

In 2009 Natalia Mogilevskaia conducted a tour of Ukrainian cities in support of Yulia Tymoshenko and was Yulia Tymoshenko's trustee in Crimea.

In 2010 Natalia Mogilevskaya is a member of the jury of "Star Factory. Superfinal", and in 2011 assesses the participants of the show "Dancing with the Stars".

In May 2012 Natalia Mogilevska acts as a coach of the Ukrainian national team in the project "Star Factory. Russia - Ukraine".

Discography. "La-la-la-la" (1997), "Only Me" (1999), "Not Such" (2001), "Most... most" (2003), "Vidpravila message" (2006), "This Dance" (2007).

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Chia pudding

Breakfast in 1 minute: chia pudding by Nataliia Mohylevska

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