

Ivanna Onufriyichuk

Ivanna Onufriyichuk

TV presenter
3 articles
Short biography

Ivanna Onufriychuk is a Ukrainian television presenter. Since September 2021, she has been the host of the show "Dancing with the Stars".

Brief biography

Ivanna was born in Sharhorodsky district of Vinnytsia region in the village of Rakhny-Lesovye. Three sisters were brought up by their mother independently. The father left the family when Ivanna was in the 2nd grade.

The girl studied to be a customs officer in Dnipro. After graduation she worked on the border with Moldova. However, she did not see herself in this profession, and started modeling.

After moving to Kiev, the girl continued to work at the customs and in parallel participated in modeling shoots. In the capital, she was courted by wealthy men. Ivanna built a long-distance relationship with a businessman who gave her a large apartment, a Bentley and paid for elite travels.

Ivanna has years of experience in modeling, filming in music videos, commercials and television projects. The girl is also the owner of the title of Princess of the Vienna Ball in Kiev.

Who is Onufriyichuk's husband

Ivanna met at an elite resort in Spain with a millionaire Almaz born in Kazakhstan, who is engaged in agrarian business.

Now they live on two countries - in Switzerland and in Ukraine.

The couple celebrated the wedding in the Maldives in the family circle, famous stars performed at the celebration.

Plastic surgery

Ivanna admitted that she did plastic surgery of the nose and lips. The TV star did not like the round tip of the nose, so she decided to make it smaller. She also revealed that she regularly pampers her lips.

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