

Andrey Timchenko

Andrey Timchenko

2 articles
Short biography

Timchenko Andrey Viktorovich is a neurologist who uses the osteopathic approach in his therapeutic practice.

He graduated from the Kyiv Medical University of UASM in 2012.

Since 2000 he has been studying osteopathy, methods of traditional medicine and acupuncture - "Su-jok acupuncture".

Thanks to the knowledge gained at the university, advanced training courses, seminars and conferences, he successfully helps people restore their health.

Timchenko is the co-author of two textbooks on neurology, articles on the benefits of osteopathy and its practical use, lecturer at international seminars and webinars, and lecturer.

In 2020 he was awarded the certificate of honor "Professional of the Year" in the project "Leaders of Ukraine".

In collaboration with speech therapy centers helps children to get rid of delayed speech development, in collaboration with orthodontists - to restore patients correct posture at the preparatory stage of orthodontic treatment, etc.

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