

Vitalina Bibliv

Vitalina Bibliv

Actress of theater, film and television. Honored Artist of Ukraine
3 articles
Short biography

Vitalina Bibliv is a Ukrainian actress of theater, film and television. Honored Artist of Ukraine (2020).

Brief biography

Vitalina Bibliv was born on October 15, 1980 in the city of Vasilkov (Kiev region).

The decision to become an actress Vitalina made at school age after her teacher instructed her to sparodyvat Verka Serdyuchka at the holiday for the Day of the teacher.

Vitalina herself from an early age dreamed of becoming a clown and work in the circus.

For this purpose, she even graduated from the school of culture. In 2003, she received a higher education at the Kiev theater institute named after Karpenko-Kary. Karpenko-Kargo. She studied in the workshop of Lesya Tanyuk.

She was an actress of Kiev theaters "Vilna Stena", "Atelier 16".

Since 2008 she started working in the Kyiv Academic Theater "Golden Gate", in parallel cooperating with the Kyiv Academic Young Theater, production agency "TE-ART".

In 2015, Bibliv received her first real recognition, playing the role of Slava in the play "Stalkers" by Stas Zhirkov.

In the movie began working in 2004, but then received only small roles. Already in 2009, Bibliv was named one of the 20 best actresses of Ukraine.

She teaches at the Kyiv College of Culture and Art.

She lives and works in Kiev.

Played in many theater productions, as well as dozens of films and TV series.

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