

Svetlana Fus

Svetlana Fus

Doctor-dietitologist of the highest category, head of the Center for Weight Normalization
104 articles
Short biography

Svetlana F us - doctor-dietitologist

Diet of Svitlana Fus

Svetlana Fus is a well-known Ukrainian nutritionist, who has devoted more than thirty years of her life to this profession.

She is known for developing a number of diets, including both individual diets, which are selected for each person separately, and general diets that have become incredibly popular. The best known of these are the bean diet and the four week diet. Adhering to this diet and using the recipes of Svetlana Fus, a person can lose excess weight in just a month.

Also Svetlana Fus is the author of the project "DietBoy" - a unique diet with a strictly individual approach to each patient.

Svetlana Fus is known for debunking the most popular myths about diets. She explains that it is not necessary to deprive yourself of almost all products, excluding from the diet of favorite dishes. It is enough only to competently balance the existing diet, as well as to provide the necessary amount of correctly and accurately selected physical activity.

In addition, Svetlana Fus gives very useful advice about nutrition. How to lose weight after the New Year vacations, how to prepare various vacation dishes correctly and usefully, how not to gain weight during the vacation, what should be the ideal breakfast, how to eat your favorite pasta and still not gain weight, what kind of bread will not harm your figure, how to give up sugar and how much you can drink water for the day, how to prepare a healthy school lunch and what you need to feed your child, and what are useful products such as raspberries, watermelon or tomatoes.

Svetlana Fus's book

"You just WOW! " is a book by Svetlana Fus and Anita Lutsenko. It contains the best advice of Svetlana Fus and tells you how to fight excess weight and how to lose weight in just 28 days. The book was released in circulation back in 2017, but still enjoys great popularity.

Online activity

  • In addition to the official website of the "Svetlana Fus Weight Normalization Center", on the Internet the nutritionist can be found on the following popular resources:

  • YouTube. On the channel Svetlana Fus in YouTube regularly appear videos with advice on weight loss, useful recipes, debunking popular myths about diets. More than 15 thousand people are subscribed to the channel.

  • Instagram. Svetlana Fus's Instagram page is very popular. It is already subscribed to 126 thousand readers.

  • Facebook. Svetlana Fus uses her Facebook account as a personal page rather than a public one.

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