

Rinat Akhmetov

Rinat Akhmetov

2 articles
Short biography

Born in Donetsk in 1966.

Graduated from Donetsk State University, Faculty of Economics (early 90s).


In the early 90s - co-founder of ARS company (Together with Ahatem Bragin and Yakov Bogdanov).

Since 1995. - Founder of Dongorbank.

Since 1996 - President of FC Shakhtar.

Since 2000. - Owner of System Capital Management CJSC.

Political activity

In 2004. - One of the sponsors of the election campaign of presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych.

Since 2005. - Since 2005, a member of the Party of Regions.

Since 2006. - People's Deputy of Ukraine (Party of Regions).

In 2008. - took second place in the rating of the most influential people in Ukraine.

He is the owner of SCM CJSC, which owns shares in more than a hundred companies operating in the mining and metallurgical, energy, telecommunications, banking, insurance, media, retail, real estate and other industries.

The richest person in Ukraine. In March 2011, Forbes magazine placed Akhmetov at 39th place in the world list of billionaires, estimating his fortune at $16 billion.

He is involved in charity work.

Titles, awards

Akhmetov is an Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine. Full Knight of the Order of Merit. He was awarded the Order of Yaroslav the Wise of the 5th degree, the medal "Miner's Glory" I-III degrees, the gold medal of the Ukrainian Football Championship (2002, 2005 and 2006). He is a laureate of the "Recognition" award - "for significant contribution to patronage of arts"

Married, has two children.

Hobbies: wu-shu, soccer.

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