Natalia Lelyukh
Obstetrician-gynecologist, 14 years of experience, height 164 cm, weight varies, hair color depends on available finances for a hairdresser, favorite car - tank.
Additional certification: ultrasound doctor. I take an active part in meetings of doctors' "Perinatal Fridays", where issues of modern approaches to perinatology, international standards and the latest developments in obstetrics and gynecology are discussed. For two years, she was the editor of the "Women's Consultation" column in the professional publication for doctors, "With Care for Women", and she raised questions of diagnosis and treatment of non-inflammatory cervical pathology, minimally invasive surgery and polypragmasy. She underwent traditional training stages for a doctor: courses in colposcopy, endocrinology, and ultrasound in gynecology separately.
For five years I collaborated with an international organization in conducting sessions on gynecological endocrinology for professional cosmetologists.
I am very interested in literature, theater and music.
Life credo: "Glory to the brave who dare to love, knowing that it will all come to an end. Glory to the madmen who live for themselves as if they were immortal - death sometimes retreats from them." Eugene Schwartz, "An Ordinary Miracle.