

Ekaterina Zabotkina

Ekaterina Zabotkina

sign language interpreter at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024
6 articles
Short biography

KaterynaZabotkina is a sign language interpreter at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, Communications Coordinator at Aspen Institute Kiev.

Brief biography

Ekaterina Zabotkina was born on December 17 in Kropivnitsky (Kirovograd region, Ukraine).

She received her higher education at the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, as well as at the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

She became known for her incendiary translation into sign language of the songs of the participants of the National selection for Eurovision-2024.

Later, however, Ekaterina's work was criticized, as it was more about conveying the emotions and mood of the music than directly translating the songs.

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